Monday, February 1, 2010

Is It Normal To Have Lower Bilirubin Levels In Winter Is A Bilirubin Level Of 2.1 Dangerous?

Is a bilirubin level of 2.1 dangerous? - is it normal to have lower bilirubin levels in winter

I went into the blood of the 07th To February gain and my doctor told me that my bilirubin was a sort of bilirubin (total 1.9) me to another test of 07 August and my bilirubin is mounted above (total bilirubin 2.1) in my first test my doctor told me my liver was when my bilirubin test normal, but told me not to worry, but Did'nt explain what and bilirubin causes and how can I reduce, can anyone tell me what causes and how to both reduce bilirubin was evidence of my my direct bilirubin at 30, but the total bilirubin increased from 1 9 to 2.1 is something to worry about to do or am just worried

1 comment:

Jenn said...

I have read this for you. Largely on the babies, but on page 3, the information should seek it. Good luck and good health!

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